Mitali Bhattacharya

Mitali Bhattacharya

Mitali Bhattacharya is an experienced Direct Selling Leader who has built successful FMCG consuming networks across West Bengal, India. She is an ardent believer in spreading hope through quality education. She staunchly believes in the concept of ‘change through network’.

Role of Sponsor in Direct Selling

The Role of a Sponsor in Direct Selling: Building a Strong Upline-Downline Relationship 🚀 Direct selling is as much about relationships as it is about products. A sponsor (or upline) plays a critical role in shaping the success and experience…

3 ways of building trust in Direct Selling

Direct Selling or Network Marketing innately suffers from negative perception. This is due to multiple factors, but chiefly because some shady operators have disguised Ponzi and pyramid schemes under its banner. The lack of stringent regulations in many markets makes…

Framing the Moral Compass of a Direct Seller

As direct selling gains more visibility and comes under government regulation, it’s critical that we start thinking beyond just sales and commissions. 📌 What will make our industry future-proof?📌 What will separate true leaders from short-term players? 💡 The answer…

WHY should you do Direct Selling

I am a great fan of Simon Sinek’s ‘The Golden Circle’ concept and the way it structures such a simple yet profound idea. It asks us to start with ‘Why’ before moving on to the ‘How’ and ‘What’—not the other…

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